Bittex (BTX)
Jun 22, 2022


Dear Pi Finance community,

$PFN airdrop round 1 event distribution is now complete, login to Pi Finance launchpad and check your balance.

Those of you that didn't complete all the given tasks have not been airdropped.

If you have any complaints concerning the airdrop, feel free to reach out to us via email:

Stay tuned for airdrop round 2 event 🚀

@PFNpresale @tokensale @PFN @buy @check @pifinance @bestico @pifinancearmy @topico @BNB @BitMart @BEP20 @BestICO @cryptocurrency @cryptocurrencies @YieldFarm @airdropcryptocurrency @YieldFarming @Airdrop @airdropalert @airdrops @cryptocurrencytrading @cryptocommunity



Bittex (BTX)

Bittex is a #Web3 yield project backed by massive #utilities and business plans based on Proof-Of-Stake consensus and powered by the BEP-20.